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Oh the thinks I can think!

Based on the Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the thinks you can think!" 


As a student in the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology program, my thoughts about technology will not end upon graduation.  The ability to utilize and integrate technology is an ongoing process.  Technology provides me with the tools I need to solve problems in my learning environment as well as help others achieve their learning goals.  Learning does not stop just because I stop taking classes.  I will be constantly learning how to use new technology tools and learning new things from those around me.


Through my experience in the MAET program, I have learned that my best learning is done hands on and when I can directly apply the information. As I working through lessons and activiites I often could not wait for the next topic or assignment because they all challenged me in different ways.  Some challenged me to think differently, while others challenge the way I utilize technology tools.  Mostly I was challenged to break out of my comfort zone and look at my future uses for technology.  


In the past I would attend trainings offered by my district to increase my use of technology, but everything was either outdated, irrelevant to my subject area and/or grade level, or contained technology I would not be able to obtain for use in my classroom due to cost.  Now I look forward to finding technology solutions for my students and discovering how I can best help them learn.  Deciding to implement technology that is easily accessible and serves a purpose has been something that I will keep with me as I learn about new technologies.  Thinking about my content and pedigogical needs in conjunction with technology has been a large part of my education that I hope to share with others.  


I think I can continue to learn about educational technology by keeping in contact with my peers from the MAET program, following various hashtags on Twitter (that were either used or shared during the program), and following sites like Edutopia as they share technology resources.  I will continue to learn about and master new technology through trial and error as well as discussions with peers.  I have learned the most from trying out different technology tools discussed in classes and shared from online sources.  Exploring the tools and figuring out what works, how it works, and why things work the way they do.  Discovering how I will use the technology in my classroom as well as with my students is one of the best parts about working with educational technology.  Learning to use new tools has become something that I seek out in my spare time.   


When viewing myself as a learner, my point of view is quite complex.  I feel like I am constantly learning new things or relearning information but in new ways.  Discovering details I hadn't learned before or had long since forgotten.  I don't believe learning ever stops for me.  There is always something that I question and want to investigate further. Discovering what is possible and seeing where my curiosity will take me it all part of the learning experience.  As for how I learn, I am very much the visual learner and therefore have a difficult time deciphering information from text or audio sources.  


My future learning is open ended.  At the moment I feel like I am traveling down the road of educational technology but the path will change as I continue.  Maybe the road will have a slight transition from technology integration to technology design.  Who knows, the path could even lead me to helping others implement technology in their classrooms.  All I know is that my future learning has no map or designated path. The learning of my future could take me out of the classroom and have me work on technology coordination for my school community.  It could even have me transition from teaching Social Studies to teaching students or teachers about various types of technology.  


Regardless of what my future has to hold I will never stop learning.  I consider myself to be a lifelong learner.  I have been learning by watching and doing since I was a child.  It is the passion for learning that inspired me to become a teacher.  





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